We engage ordinary people like you and me in extraordinary volunteering. We partner with other local organizations and assist thousands of people locally by feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, visiting the elderly, comforting the sick, and helping the poor. More importantly we build deeper and long-term relationships with the poorest of the poor in America as loneliness now is the worst pandemic in the West. 

Isolation, the newest plague, is devouring not only those who we serve but also those in our homes, schools, offices, and neighborhoods. We foster a culture of encounter among our volunteers, as we answer Mother Teresa’s call to “Find Your Own Calcutta”. We find each other as we love our neighbors right where we are. To learn more about how you can be a part of it, please click here.


We are a 501c3 charitable organization. Our nonprofit organization is registered as ASK A BISHOP with the IRS (Tax ID No/EIN 46-2494610). Our Trade Name is  (DBA) Project Finding Calcutta. We are included in the Group Ruling of USCCB (GEN 0928) and listed in the Official Catholic Directory.

We appreciate our supporters. You help us help others in need. Donations can be made in both names, Ask a Bishop or Project Finding Calcutta, and the checks can be sent to our mailing address or online at this link.


We meet at Churches, Schools, and Offices to offer orientation before going out to serve those who are in most need. Currently we are serving in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, and Lincoln. Occasionally we organize service events and workshops in Kansas City and Denver, CO. If you would like to join us on a Saturday, please find us here. Or if you prefer to volunteer any other day, please contact us and we will coordinate with you and organize service workshops for you/your organization. We also organize mission trips to Calcutta, India.

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