Board of Directors

Most Rev. Bishop James D Conley
Bishop Conley was installed as the ninth Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska on Nov. 20, 2012. Prior to that he was appointed in Denver, first as the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese and then as the apostolic administrator. He has been a priest since 1985.

Anand Bheemarasetti
Anand Bheemarasetti is a missionary, community builder, entrepreneur, and the founder of Project Finding Calcutta. His wife Lindsey is a longtime missionary with FOCUS. They met as campus missionaries and now they are married with 4 children and live in Dallas.

Jeanette DeMelo
Jeanette De Melo is the editor in chief for the National Catholic Register. Jeanette and her husband, Juan Andres, live in Alabama with their 3 sons. Before joining the Register, she served the Archdiocese of Denver and the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Yann LeCostaouec
Yann LeCostaouec is a Senior Systems Engineer, Toastmaster, Agilist, and a Certified Product Owner. He is newly married and lives with his wife, Aurora, in Colorado with their toddler. They are very active in the Archdiocese of Denver helping many ministries that fall under the New Evangelization.

Greg Doring
Greg Doring is an entrepreneur, strategist, leader, and a missionary. He is a seasoned married man and he lives in Kansas City with his wife, Adrienne, and their 5 children. He mentors ministry leaders from all over the country and offers consulting services to nationally known Catholic ministries.