I expected poverty. In fact, I had heard all about it. What I did not expect was the rich and lively spirits of those I encountered. Throughout the first day or so working there, I sometimes felt lost, as if I did not really have much help to offer. I asked God to use me as His instrument and for the ability to see Him in each I came into contact with. On my second day working in Shanti Daan I wandered into the physical therapy room for young girls with severe physical disabilities. I already began to feel productive by helping the girls walk around and stretch in different ways in the bright atmosphere. Within the last five minutes of being there one of the residents wandered into the room and was chatting, as much as she could, with the other girls there. She climbed up on one of the blocks sitting on the ground and started calling out “Auntie! Auntie!”, which is what the residents call those helping. With her arms outstretched she jumped into my arms, kissed me on the cheek, and she gave me the most authentic smile I have received. I did not realize until later, but this was God showing that this trip was not solely about me helping other people and bringing His light to them. Rather, the girl I should have been serving was purely a vessel of God’s love to me.

Calcutta Mission Trip
2024 Spring Break

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